### Elevate Your Space with Link Modern Pantograph Task Lamp
Designed by the visionary Peter Stathis in partnership with Pablo Studio, the Link Modern Pantograph Task Lamp revolutionizes the classic design with a sleek, contemporary twist. This innovative lamp modernizes the iconic 1937 pantograph task lamp, simplifying its mechanical complexity while integrating the latest in energy-efficient LED technology.
**Key Features:**
– **Seamless Design:** Link reimagines the pantograph concept by eliminating visible springs and wires, creating a sleek, unified form where the shade and handle are seamlessly integrated.
– **Advanced LED Technology:** Enjoy superior lighting with an advanced LED array that eliminates multiple shadows, providing clear, focused illumination.
– **Versatile Adjustability:** The lamp offers 360-degree rotation at the base, full-range height adjustability, and a 180-degree front-to-back head tilt, ensuring optimal positioning for